July 10, 2023 - Mid-term Long Form Assignment


                Today I am going to write about 2 videos about Japan and Japan building staff.

① : First video was talking about How large Tokyo actually is. If i am summarizing of his video he is trying to say that Tokyo is literally a small city but, at the same time, Tokyo is a large city.  The Tokyo Metropolitan area has 43.48 million people on a 36889 km 2 size island. Which means Tokyo has the Largest Metropolitan area In the world. Also I think Tokyo has a lot of things and transportation so it is a very comfortable city too. And all those reasons make Tokyo a large city.

② : Second video was talking about 5 Hilarious types of Japanese apartment names types. He talks about Places, Life, Nature, Heights and Exaggerations. When I was a little I thought Almost the same things as this video says. I thought 『why are those buildings named very weird』Especially Life, Nature and Height names are really common around my house too.Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Observatories | Attractions in  Shinjuku, Tokyo


  1. I can not read the whole post. the text moves off of the screen. It might be as simple as copying the text and pasting in a new post.


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